KASA Consulting has a proven track record in Environmental Impact Assessments and managing environmental approvals and permitting processes for mining and industrial projects of all sizes in Western Australia. We also provide ongoing support to our clients through strategic and operational advice on environmental matters. Our approvals team comprises consultants with extensive experience in industry and regulatory positions and is therefore well placed to provide holistic and practical advice. We take pride in providing comprehensive personalised services to all clients ensuring their needs are recognised and projects realised in the most streamlined and pragmatic manner. For more information please see attached CAPABILITY STATEMENT
Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) are a fundamental requirement of proposals for major development projects. KASA Consulting assists clients through this process by:
Drawing from our understanding of environmental legislation and complexities of formal environmental approvals, we steer projects through the assessment process.
Ensuring a comprehensive assessment which satisfies environmental objectives of authorities, obligations for community engagement and strives to achieve a pragmatic outcome for proponents.
Working with clients, whether under auspices of the Western Australia Environmental Protection Act 1986 or Federal Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, from the conceptual, pre-feasibility stages through project implementation.
Developing applicable documentation for each approval phase including Western Australia Section 38s or Commonwealth EPBC referrals, scoping documents and environmental review documentation (e.g. PER or API).
Working seamlessly with the clients’ project team and public via stakeholder consultation workshops and public reviews (where mandated).
Accessing and coordinating a range of specialist environmental practitioners to support environmental investigations in fields of botany, ecology, air quality, hydrology and hydrogeology, water quality, noise and vibration, waste management, Aboriginal heritage, closure planning, visual amenity and community engagement
Approvals Coordination
KASA Consulting services the needs of our clients undergoing environmental approvals process under State and/or Federal legislation by coordinating and project managing the range of tasks required to achieve approvals in a timely manner. Typical services offered as part of coordinating project approval include:
Provision of strategic advice on seeking approvals depending on our clients’ project design, scale and potential impacts;
Facilitation of risk assessment workshops to identify significant risks from and to the project;
Review of project scope and scale, in order to identify potential environmental constraints and issues requiring detailed investigation;
Liaison with our clients, the project team and regulators (such as DMIRS, DWER and the OEPA) to define an overall project schedule taking into account regulatory assessment durations and other key factors that may affect the schedule e.g. completion of seasonal field surveys and stakeholder engagement; and
Establishment of a team of environmental specialists appropriate to the nature of environmental issues and coordination of necessary scopes of work for each study required to fully assess the project in accordance with the most current guidelines and standards published by key State and Federal agencies.
Permits and Licensing
KASA Consulting boasts an unblemished track record in assisting clients with obtaining required permits and licences under the Western Australia Environmental Protection Act 1986. KASA Consulting prepares necessary documentation for applications of the following typical permits and licences:
Works Approvals or Environmental Licences, administered by the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER), to permit commencement of construction or operation of prescribed facilities;
Mining Proposal approvals from the Western Australia Department of Mines, Industry and Resources (DMIRs) to permit commencement of mining and related activities;
Native Vegetation Clearing Permits, administered by the DWER or the DMIRS;
26D and 5C licences (GWL) from DWER to construct groundwater wells and to take water;
Section 18 notices to the Western Australia Department of Indigenous Affairs for the management of known archaeological or ethnographic sites; and
Noise Limit Exemptions under the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1987.
KASA Consulting undertakes a systematic approach when assisting our clients by working closely with the project team to collate necessary information for the application, and liaising with relevant regulatory agencies to ensure permits or licences are processed in a timely manner.
Changes to Existing Approvals
During the detailed design phases of projects approved for implementation, following commissioning or even during operations, there is potential for ongoing modifications or improvements to original Project design. KASA Consulting can advise on applicable approvals processes based on the proposed change and the form the original approval was granted. Key services that KASA Consulting provides include:
Provision of strategic advice on proposed changes and specific approvals required. This may include a risk assessment of the environmental impacts of the proposed change;
Preparation of amendment requests to the Office of the Environmental Protection Authority (OEPA) under either Section 45C or Section 46 of the Western Australia Environmental Protection Act 1986 as applicable;
Preparation of submissions (Application Enquiry Forms) requesting changes to Works Approvals or Licence amendments under Part V of the Western Australia Environmental Protection Act 1986;
Representation of clients at project scoping meetings with DWER;
Ongoing regulator liaison to ensure required information is provided and timelines are tracked; and
Development and implementation of stakeholder engagement commensurate with the nature and scale of the proposed change.
Environmental Management Plans
KASA Consulting has extensive experience in developing EMP’s for civil works, mining, industrial and, oil and gas operations. EMPs need to be pragmatic to achieve successful environmental outcomes as well as to meet minimum regulatory requirements and standards. Whether developing Construction or Operational EMPs, KASA Consulting works closely with clients to ensure proposed management commitments and impact mitigation measures are effective, achievable and auditable. We prepare EMPs to cover a range of issues including but not limited to:
Flora and vegetation;
Marine impacts;
Air quality including point source and fugitive emissions (e.g. dust);
Surface and ground water resource protection;
Closure and rehabilitation;
Waste management;
Acid Mine drainage and acid sulphate soils; and
We believe a robust EMP addresses significant issues identified through a risk assessment process and includes a clear monitoring program, proposed corrective action and contingency measures, reporting regimes and links to the company’s Environmental Management System where applicable. For all your Environmental Approvals needs please contact Peter Jansen on [email protected] or 0459 222 151.